How my journey began
Hello beautiful souls,
I would like to share my story and maybe inspire you. I moved from Israel to Sweden 18 years ago but have been suffering basically every minute, even though it all looked perfect: I was married, three amazing kids, a big house, diamonds, a good job and many friends. Something was always missing. I wanted to go back home. In November 2020 I got Covid and that changed my life. Due to the isolation, I realized that I am on my own. I was a person who was always surrounded by many people, I found myself totally alone. That was the moment that my journey started. I’ve always performed very highly as a professional together with my being a caring person with a big heart and a strong will to help others, which was never appreciated in Sweden, neither in my working environment nor in my personal life. Actually, the opposite, I was laughed at, criticized, judged and I was taken advantage of. I was sexually abused at work, received racist remarks from my bosses, had toxic relationships in all areas of my life, and the list goes on. All of that affected me enormously both emotionally and physically, but I never understood the root cause of why I was feeling so bad. I never took the time to reflect on it. The isolation helped me do that. While I was home alone, I realized that as long as I am not happy with myself, I will not be happy anywhere and that all starts and ends with the way I treat myself. It was I who felt unworthy. It was I who did not see myself. It was I who allowed the toxicity. But the most important realization is that I have the power to change it all by changing the way I see myself, which is absolutely amazing! Thanks to the different energy therapies which I got exposed to, I have transformed my life. These treatments made me realize that NO ONE can make me happy. Real happiness can only come FROM WITHIN. I decided to create my own reality. I took command of my life and as a first step, I removed all the toxic relationships. Today I feel as happy and joyful as I’ve ever felt before. I have no job, no partner and hardly any friends left and yet I’ve never felt better in my whole life. I feel worthy, strong, happy, amazing, smart, talented and beautiful. I am proud to be me, I am happy to be me and no one will ever change that. My destiny is to use my experience, share my story, inspire others and be of help. If you feel stuck in life, want to make a real change, take responsibility for your own happiness and create a better life for yourself, know that it’s never too late. I am here to assist you with the varied tools I have acquired – in person or at a distance. Feel free to contact me for more details.
Sending you much love and big hugs,
What People Are Saying
Love comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.
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